Benjamin Herzog


Bild von Benjamin Herzog
Benjamin Herzog
B.Sc. Biophysics
M.Sc. Mol. Life Science

white biotechnology

In the field of White Biotechnoglogy biological and biochemical knowledge and processes are conversed into technical applications. Organisms, eg bacteria such as Escherichia coli or Corynebacterium glutamicum, yeasts, etc. or enzymes or enzyme systems are used.

Great advances in the development of biotechnological methods and applications, have made the White Biotechnology increasingly more important during the last years. It is seen as a future growth industry. Great potential is expected in these areas:


    - optimization of production processes, to Example of basic and fine chemicals   

    - Reducing commodity dependence, for Example through the use of renewable resources instead
    fossil fuels

    - Reduction of energy and disposal costs, For example, by replacing chemical processes

    - Development of new products and system solutions with high value creation potential, for example
    through utilization of biological Metabolic pathways by genetic engineering methods

    Green Biotechnology

    The Green Biotechnology is the branch of Biotechnology, which deals with plants (Plant Biotechnology). The Green Biotechnology makes use of modern methods of biochemistry, Systems biology, microbiology, molecular biology and chemical engineering, to improve crops, vegetable ingredients to win (phytochemicals, secondary metabolites), fibers, plant enzymes or active principles (bionics) for new applications. The transitions to the different branches of biotechnology have become blurred. The quastion is how can herbal cells or enzymes be used for the production of industrial materials (White Biotechnology) or drugs (Red Biotechnology or Pharmaceutical Biotechnology).

    red Biotechnology

    Red Biotechnology, also called Medical Biotechnology, includs the areas that have the goal of medical application, particularly in the area of ​​health. The color red stands for the color of blood.
    There shall be a practical benefit from the research results of biotechnology and genetic engineering. This includes - The development of appropriate products (therapeutics, diagnostics, Vaccines, etc.), necessary platform technologies, and - the model organisms in the animal area that are required for the development of new therapeutics
    and - the production of active ingredients from genetically modified organisms.


    Patents on inventions are granted, if they are new, involve an inventive step and are industrial applicable. The patentee obtains the right to use it and to ban other persons and companies or to allow a license fee.
    Patents in the field of biotechnology are called "Biopatents". Specifically, thesse are patents for vaccines, diagnostics or even in areas that touch plants and animals.

Plant eats plant:

Microalgae have cellulases, which they can use in an emergency for the digestion of Biomass on.

A detour less

First intermediate of the carbon fixation can be used for preparation of natural gas to be used on.

