Benjamin Herzog


Bild von Benjamin Herzog
Benjamin Herzog
B.Sc. Biophysics
M.Sc. Mol. Life Science


1988 – 1989

Wilhelm-Pieck-Schule in Magdeburg

1989 – 1994

Martin-Schwantes-Schule in Gommern

1994 – 2000

Europaschule Gymnasium Gommern


Abitur (average: 1,7)


01.04.2003 – 31.12.2005

Law Studies at Free University of Berlin (focus: Intellectual Property Law)

01.04.2006 – 30.09.2009

Bachelor of Biophysics at Humboldt University of Berlin (Bachelor thesis about Cyanobacteria)

01.10.2009 – 22.12.2012

Master of Molecular Life Science at Humboldt University (Master thesis about Sucrose transporters)

biological experience

01.05.2012 – 31.08.2012

Enzym technology group at Technical University of Berlin (Taxol production)

01.09.2012 – 10.02.2013

Regulatory Networks in Prokaryotes group at HU Berlin (transcriptional start sides in Cyanobacteria)

15.02.2013 – 29.05.2013

Biocatalysis group at TU Berlin (lipase project)

01.06.2013 – 15.09.2013

Durakult Gesellschaft für Biologische Technologien mbH (lignin project)

16.09.2013 – 30.06.2014

Microbiology group at University of Potsdam (secundary metabolites in Cyanobacteria)

01.07.2014 – 31.10.2014 iGEM - Synthetic Biology at TU Berlin (magnetic bacteria)
01.11.2014 – 30.06.2017 AG Bioorganische und Organische Chemie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Solaga - Solare Biotechnik
01.07.2017 – today Chief executive officer at Solaga UG - solar biotech

Patent experience

06.02.2014 – 30.06.2014

Patent attorneys office

01.11.2014 – today Center for the Transformation of Chemistry
01.12.2024 – today Business Development Manager

Plant eats plant:

Microalgae have cellulases, which they can use in an emergency for the digestion of Biomass on.

new technologies for energy gaining:

After the estimated end of the oil age this century more and more technologies develop on.

